Elie's Coffee Talks

Elie's Coffee Talks

#22 Solo Episode: Turn off Tune in

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As much as we can understand ourselves better in conversations or listening to content and hearing other people’s stories, sometimes it’s great to not consume any kind of content, even while washing the dishes or - doing some other kind of chore we might not really enjoy ;) - to be able to hear our own inner world > potentially amazing ideas for our next creative project!

And I will add here: often we consume content > for example scroll on IG because we don’t want to feel what’s happening inside of us, we’d rather seek distraction than let our thoughts & emotions come up and feel them. And it’s okay we might not always have the space to do so.

If you would like to create space for creative ideas to come up and/or realising what is going on on a deeper level, I’d be happy to hold the space for you in a 1:1 session or the ‘creating space for what matters’ workshop coming up June 2nd.


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About this podcast

A podcast about everything that inspires me but mostly:

by Ophelie Cabanero


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